Believe it or not, I've read things on the Web that actually shame body positivity. It's a little ludicrous to shame a movement that's trying to end the shaming of a group that's being shamed. Just typing that made me roll my eyes. However there is a thin line between being thrilled with who you are and being healthy. And I've stepped over that line.
America, next to Mexico, is the fattest country in the world due to fast and processed foods, a lack of nutrition education, poverty, and a horrible food industry that puts revenues before human lives. Even though I know these facts, am in school to study nutrition, and know the rights and wrongs of my own personal health, I am human, and am tempted just like the children who think pizza is healthy because it's served in schools.
Last week I went to the doctor, weighing in at 167 lbs at the height of 5'8. After some research, I learned I was 1 point above my BMI, and that made me view myself a little differently in the mirror. I'm fine with not being model thin. I love my round booty and wide hips. Curves are where it's at now! But even though a positive mental attitude about yourself is extremely healthy, too much weight is not. Obesity will cause complications down the road and will even your life span. Still, I'm hardly obese, but I could easily become so if I don't make some changes. I'm almost 40, my metabolism is slowing down, and as they say on Game of Thrones, "Winter is Coming," which brings cookies, cakes, and glazed hams along with it. I suppose it's time to shew away any offerings of gravy pie. And sadly, my favorite- hot chocolate.
America, next to Mexico, is the fattest country in the world due to fast and processed foods, a lack of nutrition education, poverty, and a horrible food industry that puts revenues before human lives. Even though I know these facts, am in school to study nutrition, and know the rights and wrongs of my own personal health, I am human, and am tempted just like the children who think pizza is healthy because it's served in schools.
Last week I went to the doctor, weighing in at 167 lbs at the height of 5'8. After some research, I learned I was 1 point above my BMI, and that made me view myself a little differently in the mirror. I'm fine with not being model thin. I love my round booty and wide hips. Curves are where it's at now! But even though a positive mental attitude about yourself is extremely healthy, too much weight is not. Obesity will cause complications down the road and will even your life span. Still, I'm hardly obese, but I could easily become so if I don't make some changes. I'm almost 40, my metabolism is slowing down, and as they say on Game of Thrones, "Winter is Coming," which brings cookies, cakes, and glazed hams along with it. I suppose it's time to shew away any offerings of gravy pie. And sadly, my favorite- hot chocolate.
- 3:55 PM